We are professionals in finding the most adequate solutions in the world of work, advising on the most advantageous options from the perspective of our clients and their employees. We are able to provide this as we are consistently up-to-date with the latest working legislation:

  • Company Registration
  • Collective Agreements
  • Regulation Proceedings
  • Collective Conflicts
  • Company Representation
  • Lock-out Management
  • Work Audits
  • Representation in Inspections
  • Sanctions and Proceedings
  • Administrative Proceedings
  • Debt settlement
  • Pensions and other benefit calculations (incapacity, widow, orphan….)
  • Retirement
  • Immigration:
    – Residency and work permits
    – Work contracts

Our commitment is to always advise our clients on the best option as far as financial, economic or tax contributions are concerned that best optimise the resources of our clients, whether they be large scale companies or self-employed individuals, personalising the service according to each, and always with the clear objective in mind to plan, prevent and minimise risks.

We work on the basis that comprehensive background knowledge enables us to provide this service, which is why we strive to get to know each and every one of our clients on a professional level.

  • Company Registration
  • Continued Consultancy
  • Tax
  • Audits
  • Fiscal Defense
  • Society Taxes
  • Accountancy Management
  • Accountancy Analysis
  • Account Closure
  • Prepayment
  • Annual Accountancy
  • Society Taxes
  • Accountancy Audits

As part of the comprehensive legal management that we offer to our clients and their companies, we offer a consultancy service in prevention, specifically risk prevention and the designing and planning of health and safety evaluations.

  • Risk Evaluation
  • Work Accidents

We have a made-to-measure team of qualified workers, who offer the experience necessary to endow us with our own, efficient teams. In the same vein, we have experts in the areas of training and equality, meaning a competitive and personalised service.

  • Human resources management
  • Training
  • Equality plans

We advise our clients on everything associated with the environment, looking for optimisation of their resources and making it easy for them to comply with current legal regulations. We assure the ninimal impact on the environment, thanks to the application of adequate policies in management and prevention.

  • Environmental Regulations
  • Industrial Residues
  • Building Permits
  • Company Registration

Geared as much towards entrepreneurs as tos mall and medium sized companies, we look for the benefits and subsidies necessary for each company, taking into account the most adequate judicial route and advising our clients on everything regarding authorisation, licenses and permits. Our objective is that our client only has to focus on the entrepreneurial project:

  • Benefits and Subsidies
  • Energy Efficiency

Thanks to an expert team across various fields in this area, we offer a personalised service with regards to anything that our clients need. Our focus i son making sure each and every company uses information technology to their absolute advantage, in the most efficient way and in compliance with current legal legislation that might affect their company in order to prevent any unnecessary risks:

  • Data Protection Laws
  • E-commerce
  • E-signatures

Our work in this area involves providing answers to the different management needs of each company or professional. This could be any TRAMITACIÖN in the public administration, making this process run as smoothly as possible while still taking into account the obligations and rights of our clients.

  • Management Services
  • Patent and Brand Registration
  • Merchant Registration
  • Property Registers
  • Payment of Patrimonial Tax
  • Vehicle Taxation